Class 2

Welcome to Class 2


'Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it'~ Proverbs 22:6





Dear Parents / Carers,


Well here it is… it feels like we have blinked and our final half-term together as Class 2 is upon us!  We do, however, have seven whole weeks of hard-work to accomplish and fun to be had before we get to enjoy a long and well-deserved summer break.  The last half-term of school is always jam packed and this one is no exception!  Our Year 1 children will soon be acing their phonics screening, we have sports day coming up and of course the excitement of taster afternoons with our new classes!


In English we will be starting the half-term by linking our writing to our learning in Science.  We will be using the book ‘Lots: The Diversity of Life on Earth’ by Nicola Davies to inspire a setting description and an acrostic poem.  After this, we will be using the book ‘The Crow’s Tale’ by Naomi Howarth to inspire a longer narrative piece of writing.


In Maths Our Year 1 children will be completing their work on mastering numbers to 100 before ending this year learning about money and time.  Our Year 2 children will be focusing on applying their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills on assessment style questions before ending their year learning about statistics, position and direction.


In Science we will be continuing our unit ‘Animals Including Humans’.  We will meet MERG the alien who will help us to learn about what makes something a living thing before learning all about Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians and Fish.


In R.E. the children will be taught by Mrs Lee.  They will be learning about how neighbours share God’s world and the story of Mohammed from the Islamic faith.


In P.E. we will be working hard to get ready for sports day by learning how to do a range of Athletics style skills.  After sports day, we will be completing our first ever Outdoor Adventurous Activity unit which has a huge focus on teamwork.


In Geography the children will be learning all about The United Kingdom.  They will be able to name and locate the countries in the United Kingdom, their capital cities and surrounding seas and be able to identify their human and physical features.


In Computing the children will be completing their first unit of work on Coding, learning how to write code that will make a programme of their own design, work.


In Music the children will be taught by Miss Seed.  Under the theme of ‘myths and legends’, they will be learning how to write graphic score and compose a piece of music with a given structure.


In Art the children will use their hands to shape, pinch and join clay.  They will use these techniques to design and make their own 3D clay tile which we will make into an end of year memento to bring home.


Homework Please follow the link below to see all information about this half-term's homework.


The Class 2 Team

Miss Halstead – Class Teacher

Mrs Lee – Supporting English, Phonics, Guided Reading and Maths in the morning and teaching R.E. on Wednesday afternoons

Miss Seed – Teaching P.S.H.E. (Monday) and Music (Thursday)


Please do not hesitate to approach me if you have any questions at all at our classroom door, by calling the school office on 01254812543 or by emailing  


God bless,


Miss Halstead