Class 2

Welcome to Class 2


'Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it'~ Proverbs 22:6



Children wear their PE kits to come to school on these days.

We have been learning all about the Our Father in RE and the meaning of each section. We made prayer mobiles in RE yesterday and used them to say the Our Father as a class. Ask your child to use their prayer mobile to say the Our Father at home!

We have loved our first PE unit! We've learnt the compass points: North, South, East and West and used these to follow the directions to find the pirate treasure! Everyone worked really well in their teams, well done Class 2!

Dear Parents / Carers,


Welcome back to all of our families after what I hope has been a fun filled summer holidays for you all. I am really looking forward to hearing all about the memories they have made with you. 


In English we will be starting the half-term by basing our writing on the book 'Fergal is Fuming'. They will be writing a character description of Fergal and also writing instructions.  After this, they will be using the book ‘Bold Women in Black History’ which is a non-fiction text and our writing unit will lead up to children writing a biography.


In Maths We are now following White Rose Maths and our first unit of work is on place value. After that we will move onto Addition and Subtraction. 


In Science we will be learning about everyday materials. Children will investigate which materials can be changed if they are squashed/twisted etc and they will then move onto comparing the properties of materials. We will finish our unit by comparing the properties of materials to their uses.


In R.E. we will be learning about the story of Creation from the book of Genesis. They will learn that we were created to take care of God's world and this will lead us into learning about Laudato Si. 


In P.E. we will start the term with an Outdoor Adventures unit which has a huge focus on teambuilding. This will be a lovely start to the year as it will allow our new class to gel and bond together. We will then move on to Football later this half term.


In History the children will be learning all about castles with a focus on Skipton Castle and the conflict and invasion at Skipton Castle. They will learn how castles are designed for conflict and what daily life would have been like at a castle.


In Computing the children will be completing their first unit of work on online safety. This is of paramount importance as so many children have access to technology and the internet.


In Music the children will be learning all about musical vocabulary through a series of Under the Sea themed lessons. They will be learning about pulse, singing and using percussion instruments. 


In Art the children will be taught by Mrs Lee. The first unit focuses on drawing. It will focus on using different media for drawing and observational drawings.


Homework Please follow the link below to see all information about this half-term's homework.


The Class 2 Team

Miss Pinn – Class Teacher

Miss Thornber - supporting Phonics and Guided Reading

Mrs Lee – Teaching Art and PSHE on Thursday afternoons



Please do not hesitate to approach me if you have any questions at all at our classroom door, by calling the school office on 01254812543 or by emailing  


God bless,


Miss Pinn