
When your child's book needs changing, tell them to put it into the 'pink basket' as soon as they get into school.

A huge thank you for visiting this area of our Class Page as it is, without close competition, the most helpful thing that you can do with your child throughout Key Stage 1.


In Class 2, I ask that you aim to read at home with your child at least three times a week.  This does not mean that every book needs to be read cover to cover three times per week.  Here are a few things to note:


  • Reading at home should be a pleasure, not a chore!  If a book feels too tricky, tell Miss Halstead.
  • A few pages is plenty!  Do not feel pressured to read a whole book each time you sit together.
  • Read each book twice before returning it to school, this will help to develop your child’s fluency!
  • Ask lots of questions, this will help to develop your child’s comprehension!  Use the colourful question mat to help you with this.
  • Don’t forget to sign Reading Journals!  Each signature is worth FIVE HOUSE POINTS!

These are all of the sounds and their corresponding rhymes that your children will learn as part of their Year 1 journey.  These sounds are the key to both reading and writing!

Look out for any of these sounds when you are reading and writing with your child at home and use the rhymes to help them form their letters or remember which 'special friends' work together to make a new sound.

These are the words that children need to practice reading 'on sight'.  This means that children need to see the words, recognise the shape and remember what it says.  This is either because phonics rules cannot be applied to these words or because they appear so frequently that we want children to be able to recognise them quickly, to develop their fluency.


These are the words that get sent home in children's yellow books.

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