Class 3

Meet the Teacher - 11.9.2024

Welcome to Class 3


"For with God nothing shall be impossible."

Luke 1:37


Class Teacher: Mr J Wormleighton

Teacher on Friday Afternoon: Mrs Lee


Welcome to Class 3  I am looking forward to seeing our new Year 4 children and welcoming our new Year 3 children into Class 3 and the 'juniors'. I know the children will be raring to go and I will be expecting children to develop their 'growth mindset' towards their learning as well as demonstrating excellent behaviour for learning. This year, I know Class 3 will grow as individuals and work together to make this a super school year. 

Parent support is very much appreciated and the your children will benefit greatly from any time at home spent on reading, spelling, learning times tables and working on any topics together.

Please do not hesitate to speak to me if you have any questions throughout the year. You can call school or email:  


Mr J Wormleighton smiley


Class 3 Information

PE: This half term, PE will take place on Tuesdays. Remember to come to school on these days wearing your St Mary's tracksuits / P.E. kits. 

Homework: Homework will consist of spellings, reading and times tables. There may be the occasional English or maths sheet for additional learning. In addition, Class 3 have a half-termly Homework Grid with lots of ideas for additional learning linked to our current topic. There will be a spelling test each week on Friday. 

Reading: Children in Class 3 are given books to take home from the school's Big Cat reading scheme. Please ensure your child reads at least three times a week and remembers to hand in their reading record when they have read so we can change the books when required. 

Times Table Olympics: Children in Class 3 take part in a weekly 'Times Table Olympics'. Children will be tested each week on Thursday on their times tables as they strive to go from 'Finalist' medallists to 'Platinum' medallists by answering questions within a 3 minute time period. 

Personal Belongings: Please make sure that all belongings are clearly labelled with your child's full name. Class 3 do not need to bring in any stationery at all - everything they need to learn will be provided. 



"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check Information for Parents