Class 4


Welcome to Class 4


Welcome back to the last half of the Summer term, I hope you have all had a lovely break. This term always seems to go quickly as lots of events happen before the end of the academic year. SATs have now been completed with just the writing assessment to be done. This half term is an important time for our class 4 children as the year 6 children prepare for the transition to high school and year 5 children prepare for the responsibility of being our new year 6 children

This half term will include the annual sports day (hopefully it will stay dry) and transition opportunities. We will also have our leavers Mass on the 3rd July. 


In English We will be completing some writing ready for our assessment then we will move onto more writing opportunities based on our ancient Greeks topic..


In Maths Both year 6 and year 5 will be firstly looking at statistics then year 6 will move onto problem solving and year 5 geometry and measure. 


In science children will be looking at the circulatory system, 


In History under the whole school concept of civilisation and looking at Ancient Greek civiliasation.


In Art we will be exploring Greek pottery


In Spanish- children will be saying what they do and what others do.


In ICT children will be looking at design and 2D modelling.


In R.E. This half term the children will work with Mr Wormleighton exploring reconciliation and stewardship.


P.E will remain on Mondays and Thursday taught by Miss Halstead. Children will be looking at the skills needed for rounders and kwik cricket.

Top-up Swimming for some children will be on Wednesdays. Children who are required to attend will be sent a separate letter.


Homework will also be different this term. As always there will be weekly spellings and reading. We have moved away from the Century program for homework as we didn’t feel the children enjoyed the program. Homework will be set weekly on your child’s Purple Mash account. This will be set on Friday and should be handed in by the following Friday. I will set homework based on the units we are following to embed any learning.  I have also included an optional Homework grid if you are wanting extra homework.

The Class 4 Team
Mrs K Taylor– Class Teacher

Miss Seed – HLTA (Computing on Monday and Spanish on a Thursday afternoon)

Miss Halstead (P.E on Monday and Thursday afternoon)

Mr Wormleighton (Religious education on Friday afternoon)
Personal Belongings
Please make sure that all belongings are clearly labelled with your child's full name as we are getting a number of items left daily that are unclaimed or are taken home by other children in error.  Many thanks for your help with this. Please note before the end of last term there were lots of jumpers that remained unclaimed, these don't have any names if they are not claimed by the end of this half term they will be placed in the donation boxes at the entrance to school. 
If you need any help or information please email or call school on 01254 812543
Mrs Taylor


'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart' - Colossians 3:23-24

SATs 2024 information evening details