Class 4


Welcome to Class 4


Welcome back to all my now year six children and welcome to my new year five children. I hope you have all had a fabulous and restful summer ready for the busy year ahead. I have planned lots of exciting learning opportunities and I look forward to being part of your child's learning journey. We will this half term have a welcome meeting after school which will give me the opportunity to talk about what happens in class 4 and also a chance for you to ask any questions. P.E. is slightly different this year and will now just be on Thursday, please ensure your child comes to school in their P.E. kit. (please note there will be no PE session on Thursday 5th September).

If you have any questions please email:

This half term we will covering:


In English we will focusing on a fantasy narrative along with list poems based around our class novel of ‘The Nowhere Emporium’. We will also be looking at setting description drawing on the vocabulary used in the text.


In Maths we will be focussing on number and place value and statistics. If your child is not confident with their timetables knowledge please wherever possible encourage your child to learn them it will support the next units in maths. If you need any resources to support this please just let me know. 


In science We will be starting our space topic. This half term we will be looking at gravity.  


In History under the whole school concept of Conflict and invasion, we will be exploring the Viking invasion. 


In Art Continuing the space theme learning different drawing skills thinking about visions of the future. 


In Spanish- children will be learning 'All about me'. children will be learning how to say their likes and dislikes, who the live with, jobs and begin to introduce themselves to others. 


In ICT Children will be looking at E-safety


In R.E.This half term the we will be understand what is meant by unconditional love and the love of God.


P.E Thursday taught by Miss Halstead. Children will be looking at the skills needed for Outdoor adventure and  football.



Homework:Spellings are given out on Friday and assessed the following Friday. Timestables will also be assessed daily. Please ensure if your child is not confident that they practise these regularly.


There is an optional Home learning grid on our class page if you would like to complete. The main thing I would like your child to do is to read at home. Reading not only develops a love of reading but also develops imagination which is essential for story writing. Please wherever possible encourage your child to read at home and bring their reading and library books back into school when they are ready to change them. 


We are wanting to inspire a love of reading if your child is not enjoying their school book and prefers to read a book of their own please just make a note in the reading book journal so that the children can be rewarded for reading for pleasure. 


I will also set homework based on the units we are following to embed any learning.  

The Class 4 Team
Mrs K Taylor– Class Teacher

Miss Seed – HLTA 

Miss Halstead 
Personal Belongings
Please make sure that all belongings are clearly labelled with your child's full name as we are getting a number of items left daily that are unclaimed or are taken home by other children in error.  Many thanks for your help with this. Please note before the end of last term there were lots of jumpers that remained unclaimed, these don't have any names if they are not claimed by the end of this half term they will be placed in the donation boxes at the entrance to school. 
If you need any help or information please email or call school on 01254 812543
Mrs Taylor


'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart' - Colossians 3:23-24

SATs 2024 information evening details