School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office.
- Acceptable Use Policy ks1
- Acceptable Use Policy.
- Anti bullying -policy-St Mary's RC 2024.pdf
- Attendance Policy
- Upper KS2 - Calculation Policy.
- Lower KS2 - Calculation Policy.
- KS1 Calculation Policy.
- PE Policy St Mary's Osbaldeston.
- PSHE and RSE Policy.
- St Mary's Prayer & Liturgy Policy
- St Mary's RE Policy September
- Eductional Off Site Visits Policy
Communication Procedures for parents
- St Mary's RC Bereavement policy
- Behaviour & Relationships Policy SMRC.pdf
- Biting-Policy-September
- Parent communication procedures.pdf
- charging and remissions policy-St Mary's RC 2025.pdf
- SMRC Complaints Policy
- Healthy school and Activity policy - St Mary's
- Home school agreement
- Mobile phone policy - St Mary's
- St Mary's lettings policy
- St Mary's RC Managing medicines in school policy
- SMRC Whole School Safeguarding and Chid Protection Policy Oct 24.pdf
- Online_Safety Policy_SMRC24.pdf
- Parent Prevent Information.
- Privacy Notice
- Reading approach at St Mary's.
- Remote Learning Plan - St Mary's Osbaldeston
- KCSIE guidance
- Single equalities Policy
- Uniform and apperarnce policy
- Vision and Mission
- Whistleblowing Policy April