Oxford Owl

As part of our English learning at St Mary's we are subscribed to the website 'Oxford Owl'. 


The website contains a large 'e-bookshelf containing over 200 e-books which you and your children can read and listen to. Lots of the books also have interactive activities linked to them too. These can be used to help support your children's comprehension skills. 


The website also contains a large parents section which provides you with a whole variety of information about your child's education including Year Group Guides, Phonics Information and a Glossary of Terms used within schools. 


There are also Maths games on Oxford Owl too as well as ideas of games and activities that you can complete together. 


To access the site, please click on the web address below, then click on 'Oxford Owl for school'. Enter our class login for Oxford Owl which is in their reading records and has also been sent to you by text. Please see me if you have any problems accessing Oxford Owl.